* Improve i18n (use formatNum for all numbers, add dir & lang attribute)

* Change td to th elements for titles (this also makes the sort script work again)
* General whitespace fixes
This commit is contained in:
Robin Pepermans 2011-11-28 16:34:58 +00:00
parent 95e51b5958
commit 21da2d00f6
3 changed files with 62 additions and 46 deletions

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $messages['en'] = array(
Scores calculated in this manner weight edit diversity over edit volume.
Basically, this score measures primarily unique pages edited, with consideration for high edit volume - assumed to be a higher quality page.",
'contributionscores-top' => '(Top $1)',
'contributionscores-days' => 'Last {{PLURAL:$1|day|$1 days}}',
'contributionscores-days' => 'Last {{PLURAL:$1|day|$2 days}}',
'contributionscores-allrevisions' => 'All time',
'contributionscores-score' => 'Score',
'contributionscores-pages' => 'Pages',
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ $messages['qqq'] = array(
:COUNT(rev_id) AS rev_count
:page_count+SQRT(rev_count-page_count)*2 AS wiki_rank',
'contributionscores-top' => 'Second part of the headings of [[Special:ContributionScores]]. PLURAL is supported but not used by the English original message.',
'contributionscores-days' => 'Heading of [[Special:ContributionScores]].',
'contributionscores-days' => 'Heading of [[Special:ContributionScores]]. Parameter $1 is the number of days for PLURAL use; $2 is a localized number.',
'contributionscores-allrevisions' => 'Used as a header of [[Special:ContributionScores]]',
'contributionscores-pages' => '{{Identical|Pages}}',
'contributionscores-username' => '{{Identical|Username}}',

View file

@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) {
$wgExtensionCredits['specialpage'][] = array(
'path' => __FILE__,
'name'=>'Contribution Scores',
'author'=>'Tim Laqua',
'name' => 'Contribution Scores',
'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Contribution_Scores',
'author' => 'Tim Laqua',
'descriptionmsg' => 'contributionscores-desc',
'version' => '1.12'
define( 'CONTRIBUTIONSCORES_PATH', dirname( __FILE__ ) );

View file

@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ class ContributionScores extends IncludableSpecialPage {
* @return HTML Table representing the requested Contribution Scores.
function genContributionScoreTable( $days, $limit, $title = null, $options = 'none' ) {
global $wgContribScoreIgnoreBots, $wgContribScoreIgnoreBlockedUsers, $wgUser;
global $wgContribScoreIgnoreBots, $wgContribScoreIgnoreBlockedUsers, $wgUser, $wgLang;
$opts = explode(',', strtolower($options));
$opts = explode( ',', strtolower( $options ) );
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
@ -89,24 +89,24 @@ class ContributionScores extends IncludableSpecialPage {
"ORDER BY wiki_rank DESC " .
"LIMIT $limit";
$res = $dbr->query($sql);
$res = $dbr->query( $sql );
$sortable = in_array('nosort', $opts) ? '' : ' sortable';
$sortable = in_array( 'nosort', $opts ) ? '' : ' sortable';
$output = "<table class=\"wikitable contributionscores plainlinks{$sortable}\" >\n".
"<tr class='header'>\n".
"<td>" . wfMsgHtml( 'contributionscores-score' ) . "</td>\n" .
"<td>" . wfMsgHtml( 'contributionscores-pages' ) . "</td>\n" .
"<td>" . wfMsgHtml( 'contributionscores-changes' ) . "</td>\n" .
"<td>" . wfMsgHtml( 'contributionscores-username' ) . "</td>\n";
"<th>" . wfMsgHtml( 'contributionscores-score' ) . "</th>\n" .
"<th>" . wfMsgHtml( 'contributionscores-pages' ) . "</th>\n" .
"<th>" . wfMsgHtml( 'contributionscores-changes' ) . "</th>\n" .
"<th>" . wfMsgHtml( 'contributionscores-username' ) . "</th>\n";
$skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
$altrow = '';
foreach ( $res as $row ) {
$output .= "</tr><tr class='{$altrow}'>\n<td class='content'>" .
round($row->wiki_rank,0) . "\n</td><td class='content'>" .
$row->page_count . "\n</td><td class='content'>" .
$row->rev_count . "\n</td><td class='content'>" .
$wgLang->formatNum( round( $row->wiki_rank, 0 ) ) . "\n</td><td class='content'>" .
$wgLang->formatNum( $row->page_count ) . "\n</td><td class='content'>" .
$wgLang->formatNum( $row->rev_count ) . "\n</td><td class='content'>" .
$skin->userLink( $row->user_id, $row->user_name );
# Option to not display user tools
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class ContributionScores extends IncludableSpecialPage {
$output .= "</td>\n";
if ( $altrow == '' && empty($sortable) )
if ( $altrow == '' && empty( $sortable ) )
$altrow = 'odd ';
$altrow = '';
@ -124,14 +124,15 @@ class ContributionScores extends IncludableSpecialPage {
$dbr->freeResult( $res );
if ( !empty( $title ) )
$output = "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='contributionscores-wrapper'>\n".
$output = Html::rawElement( 'table', array( 'cellspacing' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 0,
'class' => 'contributionscores-wrapper', 'lang' => $wgLang->getCode(), 'dir' => $wgLang->getDir() ),
"<td style='padding: 0px;'>{$title}</td>\n".
"<td style='padding: 0px;'>{$output}</td>\n".
"</tr>\n" );
return $output;
@ -147,62 +148,77 @@ class ContributionScores extends IncludableSpecialPage {
return true;
* Called when being included on a normal wiki page.
* Cache is disabled so it can depend on the user language.
* @param $par
function showInclude( $par ) {
global $wgOut;
global $wgOut, $wgLang;
$days = null;
$limit = null;
$options = 'none';
if ( !empty( $par ) ) {
$params = explode('/', $par);
$params = explode('/', $par );
$limit = intval( $params[0] );
if ( isset( $params[1] ) )
if ( isset( $params[1] ) ) {
$days = intval( $params[1] );
if ( isset( $params[2] ) )
$options = $params[2];
if ( empty( $limit ) || $limit < 1 || $limit > CONTRIBUTIONSCORES_MAXINCLUDELIMIT )
if ( isset( $params[2] ) ) {
$options = $params[2];
if ( empty( $limit ) || $limit < 1 || $limit > CONTRIBUTIONSCORES_MAXINCLUDELIMIT ) {
$limit = 10;
if ( is_null( $days ) || $days < 0 )
if ( is_null( $days ) || $days < 0 ) {
$days = 7;
if ( $days > 0 ) {
$reportTitle = wfMsgExt( 'contributionscores-days', 'parsemag', $days );
$reportTitle = wfMsgExt( 'contributionscores-days', 'parsemag', $days, $wgLang->formatNum( $days ) );
} else {
$reportTitle = wfMsg( 'contributionscores-allrevisions' );
$reportTitle .= " " . wfMsgExt( 'contributionscores-top', 'parsemag', $limit );
$reportTitle .= " " . wfMsgExt( 'contributionscores-top', 'parsemag', $wgLang->formatNum( $limit ) );
$title = Xml::element( 'h4', array( 'class' => 'contributionscores-title' ), $reportTitle ) . "\n";
$wgOut->addHTML( $this->genContributionScoreTable( $days, $limit, $title, $options ) );
* Show the special page
function showPage() {
global $wgOut, $wgContribScoreReports;
global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgContribScoreReports;
if (!is_array($wgContribScoreReports)) {
if ( !is_array( $wgContribScoreReports ) ) {
$wgContribScoreReports = array(
array( 7, 50 ),
array( 30, 50 ),
array( 0, 50 )
$wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'contributionscores-info' );
foreach ( $wgContribScoreReports as $scoreReport) {
if ( $scoreReport[0] > 0 ) {
$reportTitle = wfMsgExt( 'contributionscores-days', 'parsemag', $scoreReport[0] );
foreach ( $wgContribScoreReports as $scoreReport ) {
$days = $scoreReport[0];
$revs = $scoreReport[1];
if ( $days > 0 ) {
$reportTitle = wfMsgExt( 'contributionscores-days', 'parsemag', $days, $wgLang->formatNum( $days ) );
} else {
$reportTitle = wfMsg( 'contributionscores-allrevisions' );
$reportTitle .= " " . wfMsgExt('contributionscores-top', 'parsemag', $scoreReport[1] );
$reportTitle .= " " . wfMsgExt('contributionscores-top', 'parsemag', $wgLang->formatNum( $revs ) );
$title = Xml::element( 'h2', array( 'class' => 'contributionscores-title' ), $reportTitle ) . "\n";
$wgOut->addHTML( $title );
$wgOut->addHTML( $this->genContributionScoreTable( $scoreReport[0], $scoreReport[1] ) );
$wgOut->addHTML( $this->genContributionScoreTable( $days, $revs ) );