// See https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/types#app // for information about these interfaces declare global { namespace App { // interface Error {} // interface Locals {} // interface PageData {} // interface Platform {} interface Sport { "id": 1, "name_it": "Trekking", "name_en": "Trekking", "description_it": "Percorso escursionistico", "description_en": "Trekking route", "icon": "", "created_at": "2023-10-31T18:37:30.000000Z", "updated_at": null, "deleted_at": null } interface SportDetails { id: 1, route_id: 1, sport_id: 1, short_description_it: "Percorso escursionistico intermedio. Buon allenamento richiesto. Sentieri facilmente percorribili. Adatto a ogni livello di abilit\u00e0. ", short_description_en: "Intermediate hiking route. Good training required. Easily accessible paths. Suitable for all skill levels.", gpx_path: "", distance: 16800, duration: 288, elevation_gain: 439, elevation_loss: null, altitude_max: 620, altitude_min: 180, difficulty_it: "Facile", difficulty_en: "Easy", route_type_it: "Percorso ad anello", route_type_en: "Ring route", created_at: "2023-11-02T10:57:41.000000Z", updated_at: null, deleted_at: null, sport: Sport } interface Route { id: 1, name_it: "GLI INSEDIAMENTI ANTICHI LUNGO IL TIDONE", name_en: "GLI INSEDIAMENTI ANTICHI LUNGO IL TIDONE", description_it: "Il percorso pone l\u2019attenzione su diversi borghi situati lungo il corso del Tidone. L\u2019insediamento umano in Val Tidone \u00e8 testimoniato fin dalle epoche pi\u00f9 remote, quando l\u2019uomo, in base alle necessit\u00e0 delle varie epoche, sceglie terrazzi fluviali o luoghi pi\u00f9 riparati per impiantare i propri siti abitati. \r\n\r\nL\u2019itinerario partendo da Arcello, passando per Pianello V.T., e risalendo il corso del torrente fino a Vallerenzo, incontra numerosi borghi, dove rinvenimenti archeologici testimoniano la presenza romana e lo sfruttamento agricolo dell\u2019area. In epoca successiva, la costruzione di chiese, castelli e monasteri fa comprendere l\u2019importanza strategica del territorio durante tutto il Medioevo, nelle lotte per il potere e come snodo degli itinerari di commercio e di pellegrinaggio.", description_en: "The route focuses on various villages located along the Tidone. Human settlement in Val Tidone has been witnessed since the most remote times, when man, based on the needs of the various eras, chose river terraces or more sheltered places to establish his own inhabited sites.\r\n\r\nThe itinerary starting from Arcello, passing through Pianello V.T., and going up the course of the stream to Vallerenzo, encounters numerous villages, where archaeological finds testify to the Roman presence and the agricultural exploitation of the area. In the subsequent era, the construction of churches, castles and monasteries makes us understand the strategic importance of the territory throughout the Middle Ages, in the struggles for power and as a hub for trade and pilgrimage itineraries.", route_category_id: 2, created_at: "2023-11-02T10:50:07.000000Z", updated_at: null, deleted_at: null, route_sport_details: Array, elevation_gain?: number, } } } export { Route };