get('/user', function (Request $request) { return $request->user(); }); Route::get('all-routes', [RouteController::class, 'getAllRoutes']); // this will return an array of [id, title, length, elevation_gain and possible sports] for each route Route::get('route-categories', [RouteController::class, 'getRoutesCategories']); // this will return an array of [id, title, length, elevation_gain and possible sports] for each route Route::get('route-by-category/{catId}', [RouteController::class, 'getRoutesByCategory']); // this will return an array of [id, title, length, elevation_gain and possible sports] for each route Route::get('route/{id}', [RouteController::class, 'getSingleRoute']); // this will return details for all sports related to this route, including picture urls Route::get('route/{id}/{sportId}', [RouteController::class, 'getSingleRouteDetails']); // this will return route's details for a single sport, including picture urls Route::get('downloadGpx/{id}/{sportId}', [RouteController::class, 'downloadGpx']); // download the gpx file of a route given the route id and the chosen sport Route::get('getPlacemarks/{id}/{sportId}', [RouteController::class, 'getPlacemarks']); // this will return the list of placemark for a specific sport on a specifi route Route::get('getFeedbacks/{id}/{sportId}', [RouteController::class, 'getFeedbacks']); // get all feedbacks on a route given the route id and the chosen sport Route::post('storeFeedback', [RouteController::class, 'storeFeedback']); // store feedback on a route given the route id and the chosen sport